Subodh Kumar & Associates, a division of StrategeInvest Inc.


When Elephants Rumble

Note March 27, 2018 – When Elephants Rumble: The grass gets trampled – an old African adage. Amid wholesale leadership team remakes in all of the United States, China and Russia, the political risk becomes that none can afford to lose face. The Korea, Levant and south Asia regions remain tense. Point and counter point […]

World In An Oyster

Note March 21, 2018 – World In An Oyster: In this third week of March 21,2018 alone, there have been developments that are likely to determine outcomes over the next 12-18 months. These developments include leadership and trade politics worldwide; leadership and policy evolution at central banks and within equity markets, the differing sector compositions […]

Market Tryst With Ides of March

Note March 14,2018 – Market Tryst With Ides of March: Much has occurred just in the first half of March 2018 in the complexities of mega mergers and market valuation, trade frets and major political developments that lie in not just in the United States. The same can be said about emergent observations by major […]

Market Correction Distilled

Note March 7,2018 – Market Correction Distilled: Frequently, market correction and much rarer extreme bear phases seem ostensibly to appear at inconvenient times, notwithstanding history. Much has been expended about the capital market correction of recent weeks. Explanations as to the catalyst range from volatility ETFs to fear of deficits and tariffs to change potential […]

Governance To Matter

Note February 28,2018 – Governance To Matter: Vitally even amid growth, current risks include deficits, debt and corporate scandal from the U.S. to Europe to Japan to China to India to Brazil and beyond. Relevant globally is the breadth of ongoing corporate tribulations in Japan. Also, ERISA emerged in the U.S. reacting to investment lapses […]

Markets Matters Of Choices

Note February 21,2018: Markets Matters of Choices: Worldwide capital market correlations had previously appeared to loosen but do seem tighter in the aftermath of equity market drops in early February 2018, amid continued increases in U.S. Treasury fixed income instrument yields. When the U.S. and China closed markets on holidays this week, many others were […]

Mortals Don’t Walk On Water

Note February 14,2018: Mortals Don’t Walk On Water: Amid capital markets flaring into higher volatility, it is worth recalling that it is normal. Central banks previously have acted as restraining forces on massive deficit financing, currently need to do so but appear too genteel. Extrapolating quantitative ease already engineered does not mean that crowding out […]

Rotation of Rotation

Note February 7,2018: Rotation of Rotation: Unlike the fear and restructuring of 2007 to early 2009, more recent markets until February 2018 have been about complacency with liberal quantitative ease. Amid volatile trade, internal and global politics worldwide, miscalculations could take place. Even if for currently obscure reasons, likely to be next is rising vigilance […]

Rakers of the Lost Art of Valuation Required

Note January 31,2018: Rakers of the Lost Art of Valuation – Amid gasps and contortions to justify markets without corrections (until recently), two realities seem missing. Perfect knowledge (or even efficiency) cannot be assumed, not least at any single point. Further as in the 1990s, the long term role of markets is capital allocation and […]

Q1/2018 – Caveat Emptor on Momentum

Note January 26,2018: Q1/2018 – Caveat emptor on market momentum arises due to risk, value and societal stress about the distribution of the benefits of global growth. Amid euphoria, diversification is necessary. In equities, valuation contraction is globally a risk. More effort should be devoted to value and progress in restructuring as opposed to momentum. […]

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